Formula of Ratio Analysis | Grade 12| Account
Formula of Ratio Analysis
Grade 12 Account
Liquidity ratio
Current ratio
Bill / Notes/ Account receivable, Book debt, Inventory, Opening stock, Closing
stock, Cash and Cash equivalent, Prepaid expenses, marketable securities, Interest
accrued on investment, Stores and spare parts, Loose tools, Stock in trade,
Work in progress, Advance, and loan to subsidiaries.
Current liabilities are
/ Notes /Account payable, Sundry creditors, Income received in advance,
Unclaimed dividend, Bank overdraft, Premium on redemption of debenture,
Outstanding expenses, Fixed deposit, Short-term loan, Other unsecured loans
Quick / Liquid / Acid ratio

Where Quick assets are
Current assets – Current
Solvency ratio
Debt-equity ratio

Long-term debt
+ Loan and advance from bank + Bond + Other secure loans
Shareholder’s Fund /
Shareholder’s Equity
capital + Share forfeiture + Calls in arrear + Share premium + Profit and loss
appropriation a/c + Capital reserve + General reserve + Debenture premium +
Capital redemption reserve + Sinking fund + Dividend equalization fund + other
reserve – (Preliminary expenses + Discount allow in the issue of share + Loss
incurred on issue of debenture)
Debt to total capital ratio

Capital Employed = Long term debt + Shareholders’ fund / equity
= Total assets (Excluding fictitious
assets) – Current liabilities
= Fixed
assets + Current assets – Current liabilities
= Fixed
assets + Working capital
capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities
Turnover Ratio
Inventory Turnover Ratio

Gross profit = Sales – Cost of
Goods sold
Cost of Goods sold = Sales –
Gross profit
Sales = Cost of Goods sold +
Gross profit
Average Inventory = (Opening stock + Closing stock) / 2
In the case of inventory turnover ratio: if opening inventory and closing inventory
both are calculated, we use (Cost of goods sold / Average inventory) and if
inventory is, only we should use (Sales / Closing Inventory)
Debtors Turnover ratio

credit sales and average debtors both can be calculated or given, we should use
(Net credit sales / Average debtors) and if credit sales and average debtors
anyone cannot be calculated what we should use (Total sales/closing debtors)
Average collection period
Fixed assets Turnover

Net sales = Sales – Return
Net fixed assets = Fixed assets – Depreciation
Total assets turnover ratio

Capital employed turnover ratio
Profitability Ratio
Gross profit margin
Net profit margin
Return on assets

Return on shareholders’ equity

Return on equity shareholders’ fund
Return on capital employed
. Earnings per share
Dividend per share